Friday, June 09, 2006

Four legs bad...

Question: What do Teen Amateur, Chris Martin and That Fucking Tank have in common?
Answer: They are but the tip of the iceberg of a new breed of band. The type of band that thinks outside of the box and dispenses with the notions of conventional band structures by stripping down the band format to it's base level and dispensing with all superfluous extremities. Yes, that's right they don't have enough friends to form a proper band so they make do with a drummer and a single guitarist/bassist. This simple act immediately makes them, in the eyes of those who don't know any better, amazing! Outstanding! Incredible! Or in the not so humble opinion of this correspondent. Tosh. See, now I don't particularly care that such a ground breaking set-up is as old as the hills. I don't particular care that if you scratch the surface of the "scene" there are already more than enough of these groundbreaking "bands" oozing out of the cracks in the woodwork, no, I just care that the music isn't actually any good. I just care about the complete lack of imagination that these bands invariably show. When there is just two of you in a band you can pretty much play anything and it will sound alright, these bands play "big riffs," "big stereotypical rock riffs." Over and over again. As if there aren't enough bands playing that crap already. But as there are only two of them in the band peddling that crap it suddenly becomes amazing! Outstanding! Incredible! Give me a break.

Teen Amateur
That Fucking Tank


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