What's in a name?
Sometimes it's just too difficult to get worked up into the teeth gnashing frenzy that this blog requires. Sometimes things just don't catch you at all. The Authentics are much like that. Sure they seem to work hard, I mean they tour all over the place, and not just in enormodomes either...they play some right shitholes too. *ba-dum-tish* But it seems like a lot of effort that could be better spent elsewhere. They make the kind of featureless music that soundtracks any one of a number of US teen "dramas." And you know, they have to use bland inoffensive music because, well, given the writing on most of those shows, anything with a splash of colour would tend to stick out. So given that they make that painfully inoffensive west coast "rock," where do you gentle reader think they hail from? No cheating now. It begins with an L, go on...no, not LA. Are you ready? Leicester, a small city in the middle of England.
Authentically local.
Authentically local.